Physics tips
- Hadrons
feel the strong nuclear force and are made of quarks
- Baryons
are made of three quarks, mesons are made of two quarks (a quark and
- Protons
are uud, neutrons are udd
- Baryons
eventually decay into protons (protons are the only stable baryon)
- Neutrons
decay into a proton, an electron and an antineutrino (beta minus decay)
- Protons
decay into a neutron, a positron and an neutrino (beta plus decay)
- Hadron
– heavy and strong Lepton – light
and weak
- Leptons
have a lepton number of 1 (or minus 1 for antiparticles) and lepton number
is conserved
- Leptons
can change into other leptons during decay via the weak interaction
- Strangeness
is conserved in a strong interaction
- K mesons are strange
particles (containing a strange or antistrange quark) formed through the
strong interaction and decay through the weak interaction into π mesons,
muons and antineutrinos
- π mesons Charged π mesons decay
into muons and antineutrinos (or antimuons and neutrinos), π zero pions
decay into photons
- Muons decay
into electrons and antineutrinos (or antiparticles)
- Know the Feynman diagrams for beta minus, beta plus and electron capture
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