Friday, 23 November 2012

12a work Friday 23rd November

Hello Y12, sorry I was not there for our lesson today - I will be back P4 for 12b.
12a work is as follows;
1. Research emission and absorption spectra for elements.  Make notes on what they are and what they show - this is a tricky idea but it relates to the absorption and emission of photos of particular colours between energy levels of atoms as we showed in the models we did in class with Starburst.   Bring you notes and diagrams to the lesson next Friday for us to discuss
2. What is the photoelectric effect what was observed and how did Einstein explain it with photons? Another tricky but key idea for us to discuss on Friday - can you come up with a model to explain what is going on?

3. What are the energy levels in a hydrogen atom, and why is n=1 labelled as negative?

Thanks, Ms Hamnett

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