Friday 27 January 2017

Req prac work for Ms H due Friday 2nd Feb

How does the frequency affect the wavelength on a stationary wave?
·         Collect a set of results from the signal generator and rubber cord to investigate this.
·         Repeat your readings to get a mean for each wavelength.
·         Draw an appropriate graph for your results.
·         What is the gradient of your graph?  Calculate this and work out what the gradient represents.

Required practical write-up
·         This needs to follow the instructions and guidance on the sheet and include error analysis – (working out the uncertainties and percentage uncertainties and commenting on them) and a graph with error bars.
·         You may need to use the mass of the wire to work out the mass per unit length (1.5m of wire weighs 1.46g) for comparison.
Additional tips:
·         Uncertainty of a mean value = 1/2 range
·         Percentage uncertainty of a mean= 1/2 range/mean x 100.
·         Uncertainty of a single value = precision

·         Percentage uncertainty of a single value – precision/value x 100

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