Friday 18 November 2016

Photoelectric effect animation Y12 Ms Hamnett

Have a look at these animations and answer the following questions about animation 2

Get zinc and tick show photons.
Adjust light to UV and watch what happens. Explain why.
What happens at higher frequency light and why?
What happens if you apply a voltage across the plate and why?

The work function of a metal is 1.1 x 10 ^-19J. Calculate;
a) threshold frequency

b) maximum k.e. of emitted electrons when light of wavelength 520nm is shone on the metal.

Graph questions
What does this graph show?
Work out the gradient of your graph – what does it represent?
What is the x intercept?
How does the graph relate to the straight line graph equation y=mx+c?

What would the y intercept be?

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