Thursday 15 October 2015

12b Physics work for Monday P5 19th October Ms Hamnett

Dear y12
I am not in today - please can you;
Complete the question below
Do questions in text book on P23, P32 Q1-4, 7 and 8, and p28 q3,4,5
Q1.          (a)     (i)      Give an example of an exchange particle other than a W+ or W particle, and state the fundamental force involved when it is produced.
exchange particle ................................................................................
fundamental force ...............................................................................
 (ii)     State what roles exchange particles can play in an interaction.
 (b)     From the following list of particles,
p  n           e+   μ   π
identify all the examples of
(i)      hadrons, .............................................................................................
(ii)     leptons, …...........................................................................................
(iii)     antiparticles, .......................................................................................
(iv)    charged particles. ...............................................................................
(Total 8 marks)

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