Thursday, 23 February 2017

CERN participants - passport copy needed ASAP

To all those coming to CERN this year - I need a copy of your passport photo page by Monday so that I can book flights, please bring this in to Dr Hardwick by Monday.  To book the flight we need your name exactly as it appears on your passport, and we will need various other details from it to finalise the booking - if you are in the process of getting a new passport or it has expired, please bring your full name as it appears on the passport to Dr Hardwick. You will need a valid passport for the trip.
Ms H

Cover work for Ms Hamnett Thursday and Friday

Dear Y12
Sorry I am not in, have bronchitis, recovering and should be back to normal next week.
Work for today and tomorrow's lessons;
1. Young's double slit experiment - read about this in your textbooks and make notes including diagrams on what the experiment was, what his explanation was of the observations, why this was significant and what the equation is to describe this.  Do the relevant questions from your textbook on this section.
2. Diffraction gratings - describe what these are, read the relevant part of your textbook and make notes, including the equation and what it means, how the pattern is formed,with a laelled diagram to show this, why the central maxima is brightest, and how to derive the equation.  Do the relevant questions from your textbook on this section.
3. Plan an experiment to test the relationship given by both these equations using standard lab equipment - this is your next required practical which we will be doing next week.

Thanks and see you next week
Ms H

Friday, 3 February 2017

Cover work for Ms Hamnett - links to revision workbooks

Dear all
Sorry I am ill today
Have uploaded the workbook questions to google drive so you can all access them, they are being printed as well and Dr Spence or Dr Hardwick may have the printed copies or part of them but if not please use them for revision for your mock - be aware you won't be able to answer all of the waves stuff yet
Particles and radiation


Ms H