Thursday, 31 March 2016

Flipped learning video

Current Flipped Classroom video assignment can be found here:

As discussed in class, please follow this link to watch the video. You need to watch this video, and take approriate notes, in advance of our first lesson back after Easter. Anyone who doesn't watch and bring appropriate notes to class will be given a detention.

To access the video, please log in to eduCanon using your Edmodo account (so that I know you've watched it).

Dr Spence

Sunday, 20 March 2016

12b Ms Hamnett work for Monday's lesson

Dear 12b
As mentioned on Thursday, no lesson period 5 Monday.
Work to do and bring to Thursday's lesson;
Research and make at least 2 pages of notes on how diffraction gratings work and how they are used to determine what distant stars are made from and what the atmosphere of exoplanets may be made from.
Research and make notes, with references, a method for determining the wavelength of light using a double slit, light source, filters and a screen.  Include details of all measurements needed and how to make the results accurate and minimise errors.
This will be checked on Thursday.
Ms H

Saturday, 5 March 2016

12b Ms Hamnett's class - Test on Thursday10th March

Forgot to tell you that you have a short test on Thursday on everything we have done so far about waves.
Happy revision!
Ms H