Friday, 18 November 2016

Photoelectric effect animation Y12 Ms Hamnett

Have a look at these animations and answer the following questions about animation 2

Get zinc and tick show photons.
Adjust light to UV and watch what happens. Explain why.
What happens at higher frequency light and why?
What happens if you apply a voltage across the plate and why?

The work function of a metal is 1.1 x 10 ^-19J. Calculate;
a) threshold frequency

b) maximum k.e. of emitted electrons when light of wavelength 520nm is shone on the metal.

Graph questions
What does this graph show?
Work out the gradient of your graph – what does it represent?
What is the x intercept?
How does the graph relate to the straight line graph equation y=mx+c?

What would the y intercept be?

Friday, 11 November 2016

Chance to spend two weeks at CERN this summer!

New summer camp for high-school students at CERN
S’Cool LAB Summer CAMP is an opportunity for 22 high-school students (aged 16-19) from all around the world to spend 2 weeks exploring the fascinating world of particle physics. The first S’Cool LAB Summer CAMP will take place from 23 July to 5 August 2017. 

If you  want to spend their summer at S’Cool LAB, CERN’s hands-on particle physics learning laboratory, for an epic programme of lectures and tutorials, team research projects and visits of CERN’s research installations, please visit the S’Cool LAB website to learn more about the camp, and how to apply

Thursday, 13 October 2016

COver work for Ms Hamnett

Dear Y12
Apologies for not being in today, for cover I would like you to;
Complete the work on Isaac Physics
Finish your "My favourite particle" presentation for tomorrow - needs to be 1 page poster and at least one minute of speaking
Make notes on the standard model and how it fits together, plus its limitations
Revise all work on particles covered so far this year ready for a mini test tomorrow

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Creation and Annihilation homework

Please complete the second question sheet from today's lesson.

Again A-level club for help etc.

Due Wednesday 12 October.

Project homework for Dr Hardwick

Research your chosen Scientist.  Find out about their work on particle/nuclear/quantum physics.  Wikipedia is a good start.

You presentation should be a maximum of 10 minutes long and a minimum of 5.

You should include:

  • A brief background of the Scientist (education etc)
  • What relevant thing to particles they discovered
  • How they made their discovery (experiment, theory etc)
  • What other scientist's work they used/built on to make their discovery.
  • Any other relevant info.
A short powerpoint would be great which can be emailed to me at or brought in on a memory stick etc.

Of course A-level club is always here on Tuesday's after school for help!

Thursday, 29 September 2016

12a work for Ms Hamnett - Friday 30th September

Finish your particle top trumps cards , adding the lepton number, baryon number, strangeness and symbol for each one, plus any missing charges - DON'T ADD THE MASS (different units will mess this up).  Some of this info will be on your formula sheets, other info you will need to look up.
Don't worry about what the words mean - we will look at this next lesson.
Complete the questions set on Isaac Physics
Both are due next lesson (Thursday 6th October)
Ms H

Thursday, 22 September 2016

12a HW Ms Hamnett

Make a list of all the particles you can think of and their properties
Bring to the lesson next week.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Joining Ms Hamnett's Isaac Physics group

Please join Ms Hamnett's group on Isaac Physics - either click on the link below,

or enter the code below on the teacher connections tab


Ms H

Nuclear Physics homework

Complete the worksheets on nuclear physics you were given in class (see this link if you've lost it).

If you are struggling with specific charge and atomic structure then this link might help:

If you are struggling with the alpha and beta decay equations then this might help.  Note that we haven't done everything this second page covers yet (specifically beta +  decay)!

Can you access this blog?

A test to see who has actually looked at this blog
photon is going through airport security. The security staff asks if he has any luggage to scan. The photon says, "No, I'm traveling light." ...

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

A Level club (Physics) this week

Hi 12b,

Due to staff training this Thursday, neither Dr Spence nor Ms Hamnett will be available at A Level club this week.

Dr Casson will be there, and can help with any queries etc.  She's also happy to help with revision timetables etc - you just need to ask.

Alternatively, I am happy to help with revision timetables this Friday lunchtime - just come along to W10 and grab me.

Please do not leave it until after half-term to sort out your revision plan!

Dr. Spence

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Monday, 16 May 2016

12b cover work - 17th May 2016

Hi 12b (James' class),

I'm really sorry I'm not in today.

In my absence, please go through the Work, Energy, Power powerpoint I've uploaded on Edmodo.

You should then complete every 3rd question in Chapter 3 (Work, Energy, Power) of Practice in Physics (p.21 onwards).  Bring your worked answers to next week's lesson.

With thanks
Dr Spence

12d cover work - 17th May 2016

Hi 12d (Coral's group),

So sorry I'm not in today.  In my absense, please:

1) complete your research into measuring acceleration due to gravity (find two experiments, explain how they work, compare and contrast them)
2) Find and complete an exam question on any mechanics topic on this website (

You should bring your research and your exam question (and answer) to next week's lesson.

Dr Spence

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

No lesson with Ms Hamnett Period 6 today

Dear y12
Sorry, no lesson today as I have had to go and present at another school.
Please can you research and make notes on 3 practical uses of total internal reflection for Thursday's lesson
Ms H

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Y12 work for Tuesday 26th April

Apologies, there is no lesson Period 6 today because the Y13 practical exam has over-run and I am s
Please can you bring your practical work to me in R2 now
Please can you also do the following in preparation for Thursday's lesson
1. Find write, illustrate and and learn definitions of the following words (in relation to refraction and reflection)
Reflection, refraction, critical angle, magnified, diminished, inverted, upright, real, virtual, normal, incident ray, plane mirror, refractive index, angle of incidence, angle of refraction, angle of reflection, total internal reflection
2. Practice in Physics page 84 questions 8.24, 8.25, 8.26
Bring this to Thursday's lesson in R23
Ms H

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Dear Year 12,

Cover work written below. Please bring your completed work next Friday. It is also on Edmodo.

Best wishes,

Mrs Casson

Year 12 Cover Work 22/04/16 CCA
Lesson 1 – Single Slit Diffraction
1.  Watch the video here on single slit diffraction:
2.  Draw the pattern for single slit diffraction of monochromatic light. Describe the width of the central maximum compared to the others. How does the width of the central maximum vary with slit separation, slit-screen distance and wavelength (write a formula)?
3.  Research the appearance of white light diffracted from a single slit. Draw what pattern appears. Challenge: Can you explain why this occurs?
Lesson 2 – Optical fibres
1.  List 3 uses of optical fibres
2.  Research and describe the function of the cladding of an optical fibre
3.  Research and draw a diagram explaining modal dispersion in an optical fibre

4.  Research other factors, like pulse broadening and absorption, that can affect the clarity of a signal sent through and optical fibre. Write a description of each.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Work for 12b Monday 18th April Ms H

Dear Year 12
Apologies, I am not in today, work for today's lesson is, in addition to that on the previous blog post, check your answers to the questions I gave out and answer the practical questions, both documents are in the folder linked below

Ms H

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

HW for Thursday Ms H

1. Finish work from previous blog post from me in preparation for the assessed practical
2. Check you understand the derivation of the diffraction grating equation (use links below to help)
3. Do the exam questions I gave out in class
4. Do the summary questions below

1.What is monochromatic light?
2.Where in astronomy do we use diffraction gratings?
3.What path difference condition is necessary for constructive interference?

4.What path difference condition is necessary for destructive interference?

Thursday, 31 March 2016

Flipped learning video

Current Flipped Classroom video assignment can be found here:

As discussed in class, please follow this link to watch the video. You need to watch this video, and take approriate notes, in advance of our first lesson back after Easter. Anyone who doesn't watch and bring appropriate notes to class will be given a detention.

To access the video, please log in to eduCanon using your Edmodo account (so that I know you've watched it).

Dr Spence

Sunday, 20 March 2016

12b Ms Hamnett work for Monday's lesson

Dear 12b
As mentioned on Thursday, no lesson period 5 Monday.
Work to do and bring to Thursday's lesson;
Research and make at least 2 pages of notes on how diffraction gratings work and how they are used to determine what distant stars are made from and what the atmosphere of exoplanets may be made from.
Research and make notes, with references, a method for determining the wavelength of light using a double slit, light source, filters and a screen.  Include details of all measurements needed and how to make the results accurate and minimise errors.
This will be checked on Thursday.
Ms H

Saturday, 5 March 2016

12b Ms Hamnett's class - Test on Thursday10th March

Forgot to tell you that you have a short test on Thursday on everything we have done so far about waves.
Happy revision!
Ms H

Monday, 29 February 2016

12d work for Tuesday 1st March

Dear Y12;

My apologies, I'm away today.  Luckily, you've watched this week's video, so you're all set to work independently.

I've taped some question sheets to my door, but I've also posted it in Edmodo.

Once you've finished the work, please revise Internal Resistance and EMF (Yes, this is an electricity topic); we'll be revisiting this on Thursday

There is a also new video on Educanon that you need to watch before our lesson next Tuesday.

Dr Spence

12b work for Ms Hamnett Tuesday 1st March period 6

Dear Y12b
Work for period 6 is as follows and all needs to be brought to our lesson on Thursday 3rd March. The linked document below gives further detail for the practical write up.
1. Risk assessment for string and signal generator practical (my demo)
For the wire and magnets standing wave practical
2. Risk assessment 
3. Results table 
4. Graph
5. Analysis of graph (see document linked below)

6. Extended writing task on standing waves as linked below

We will be analysing and evaluating the practical further in Thursday's lesson so it is VITAL that you bring all the above work.
Ms H

Monday, 22 February 2016

Flipped Classroom video - vectors

Dear 12b

Your first Flipped Classroom video assignment can be found here:

As discussed in class, please follow this link to watch the video. You need to watch this video, and take appropriate notes, in advance of our lesson next week (29th Feb/1st March). Anyone who doesn't watch and bring appropriate notes to class will be given a detention!

The video can simply be accessed by using your Edmodo login to log into Educanon; I suggest you do this if you can.  

However, if you’re Edmodo login doesn’t work, you can also access the video as follows:

  1. Click “create an account”
  2. Enter user information and register
  3. Click the appropriate class (12b), et voila!

Please let me know about issues before our next lesson; anyone who has not watched the video will be given a detention and will have to catch up.


Dr Spence

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Telescope visit - Tuesday 23rd Feb

Visit to the Phillip Wetton Telescope, Tuesday 23rd Feb (First tuesday back after half term). The visit will involve a talk and activity plus visit to the telescope, it is free and will last about two hours - you will need to make your own way to and from the Denys Wilkinson Building on Keble Road, Oxford, we will meet outside at 6.45pm, please bring your permission slip to Mrs Casson in R1 on Monday.

Ms Hamnett


Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Half term homework for Ms Hamnett

Practice in Physics
Page 80 Q8.4 to 8. 12
Page 97 Q9.9 to 9.16
Please bring these to Monday's lesson after half term